Colobot Wiki

The CBOT language is very close in structure and syntax to C++ and Java. It has been adapted for the specific


The CoLoBoT code editor window.

purposes of Colobot, and for an efficient pedagogical approach.

This language is made up of instructions (see below), blocks, functions, classes, variables, arrays, expressions and conditions.


In the legacy versions of the program editor, an instruction in the CBOT language is always displayed on an orange background. If an instruction doesn't have an orange background, this means that it has been misspelled. Instruction names are always written in lower case.

In Gold Edition the program editor changes the text color of a syntax, whereas before the syntax would be highlighted with a color representative of the type.

Types in the CBOT language[]

The type of a variable appears with a green background or highlight.



Constants, like categories, are displayed with a red background or highlight.

Instructions in the CBOT language[]

Instructions will be displayed with a blue background or highlight.

extern Indicate the main function
if Choice structure
else if Consequence of if and else syntax, alternative if
else Alternative choice structure
for Loop structure
while Control structure
do Control structure
break Exit from a loop
continue Continues the loop
return Exit from a function
sizeof Size of an array

do ... while[]

You can have do ... while loops.

   do {
       // things
   } while (stuff());

Operators in the CBOT language[]

Operators, like instructions, will be displayed with a blue background or highlight.

+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulus (only for int type)
or Boolean or with short-circuiting
and Boolean and with short-circuiting
not Boolean not
== Equal
!= Not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
? : The ternary operator .

Specific instructions for bots[]

These instructions will appear with an amber background or highlight.

radar Object detection
search Object detection
direction Calculates a rotation angle
distance Calculates a distance
distance2d Calculates a distance
wait Waits
move Moves forward or backward
turn Turns
goto Goes to a given position
motor Direct motor control
jet Direct jet engine control
message Displays a message
retobject Returns an object from array
errmode Error treatment control
abstime Returns the absolute time
ipf Sets execution speed
pendown Begin leaving a trail behind the bot
penup Stop leaving a trail behind the bot
penwidth Change the trail's width
pencolor Change the trail's height

Instructions about topology[]

space Calculates a free space
topo Returns the altitude of a point
flatground Returns radius of a flat area

Instructions specific to some bots[]

grab Picks up an object
drop Puts down an object
sniff Sounds the subsoil
thump Overturns alien insects
recycle Recycles a derelict object
shield Extends or withdraws the shield
fire Fires the cannon
aim Vertical angle of the cannon
build Constructs a building

Specific instructions for exchange posts[]

receive Receives information
send Sends new information
testinfo Tests if information exists
deleteinfo Deletes existing information

Specific instructions for classes[]

class Class declararion
public Declares a public function
private Declares a private class member
static Declares a static class member
synchronized Prevents simultaneous execution
new Creates a new instance
this Reference to the current instance
extends Extends a class
super Grants access to the parent class

Specific instructions for strings[]

strlen Gets string length
strleft Extracts left part
strright Extracts right part
strmid Extracts center part
strfind Finds a substring
strval Converts string to number
strupper Converts to upper case
strlower Converts to lower case

Mathematical Functions[]

Like instructions, the mathematical functions will be shown with an amber background or highlight.

abs(value) absolute value of an argument
sin(angle) sine
cos(angle) cosine
tan(angle) tangent
asin(value) arcsine
acos(value) arccosine
atan(value) arctangent
sqrt(value) square root
pow(x, y) x to the power y ()
rand() random number in range between 0 and 1

Specific instructions for files[]

Like instructions for bots, file instructions will appear with an amber background or highlight.

open Opens a file
close Closes a file
writeln Writes line to a file
readln Reads line from a file
eof Tests if end of file
deletefile Deletes a file

Tricks and notes[]

See what happens when you try these.[]

Some functions to mess around with and see what they do (if they even work):

   produce - Create a bot, building, or object.
   cmdline - Seems similar to Python's sys.argv. Used by aliens, but probably useless for player-made robots. Called with a single int. See colobot/data/ai/lady01.txt for an example.
   ismovie - Detects if a cutscene is playing.
   repeat - Repeats code, does not currently work.
   drive - (?)

Object Properties[]

All objects have at least some of the following properties:

  • object.category - this is probably so you can do stuff like target.category == AlienAnt
  • object.position - position in x/y of the object
  • object.orientation - presumably yaw, all angles are in degrees.
  • object.pitch
  • object.roll
  • object.energyLevel - the amount of energy left in the battery, from 1 to 0. Float. May work only on batteries. For robots try robot.energyCell.energyLevel
  • object.shieldLevel
  • object.temperature - temperature of the jet engine. 0 is cool, 1 is overheated.
  • object.altitude - height above the ground. Same as (object.position.z - topo(object.position)) .
  • object.lifeTime - time since creation of the object. Float. In seconds.
  • object.energyCell - the object in a robot's battery holder, or none if there's nothing there.
  • object.load - the entity that the object is carrying, if it's a grabber or wasp.
  • object.dead - whether the object is dead/dying or not (bool).
  • object.busy - test if an object is busy.
  • object.factory - instruct a bot factory to create a new bot
  • object.research - Instructs a research center to perform a research program.
  • object.takeoff - Instructs the spaceship to take off.

Robot Attributes[]

  • You can get the thing a grabber is holding with this.load. It'll probably be null if there's nothing being held.
  • You can get the entity in the battery slot with this.energyCell.

Context Assignment[]

It's possible to have a variable assignment inside of another context, like in C. For example:

   extern void object::Main() {
       object target;
       while ((target = radar()) != null) {
           // do things

Note the second parentheses. This example is the equivalent of running:

   extern void object::Main() {
       object target = radar();
       while (target != null) {
           // do things
           target = radar();


You can't use array literals. This won't work:

object enemy = radar({AlienAnt, AlienSpider});

Instead, you need to do:

object[] enemyClasses = {AlienAnt, AlienSpider};
object enemy = radar(enemyClasses);

There's no polymorphism in CBOT, so functions need to be redefined for every type that you want to use them on. For example:

float addOne(float num) { return num + 1; }
float addOne(int   num) { return num + 1; }


  • Attempting to cancel a build() function by stopping the program will cause the titanium cube to count as being used, but the physical item will still persist in the world, unable to be interacted with or destroyed in any way.
  • Entering the produce(); instruction will never show a colored background in the legacy versions, and will not be represented with a colored font in Colobot: Gold Edition (as of 0.1.12-alpha).

See also[]

Types and categories.
